Rianne Links

Senior UX Designer

I design products that help users reach their goal, are accesible for everyone and are in line with the business needs. I do this by collaborating with developers, managing a wide range of stakeholders and understanding the user needs.


My work

Visual of the Partner Up product

Helping casual hosts find a Property Management Company to work with


Partner Up links property owners with little experience in the vacation rental industry with professional property management companies in their region. The property management company they decide to work with can help them manage their property more successfully.

Visual of the messaging framework

Aligning help messaging in the registration funnel for new hosts


The registration funnel where new hosts register their property contains a lot of help messages and tips to be successful on Booking.com’s platform. Over time, the placement, tone of voice and design of these help messages got a bit out of hand. I created and validated a framework that states for each type of message, the placement, design and tone of voice.

Visual of safety resources for guests on Booking.com

Helping guests in case of a safety related incident


Encountering a safety related incident when travelling can be very stressful. To help guests travelling with Booking.com in case something like this happens, I created a feature in the app that gives safety related information and a list of emergency phone numbers for the country they travelled to.

I specialise in

Making a product accessible for all users

A couple years ago I started to delve into the topic of accessibility for users with visual impairments. Now I take this into account with everything I design and develop.

Designing and launching a new product

At Booking.com I had the opportunity to create a new product from start to finish. I learned a lot about how to add value to users and how to roll out a product to a large audience.

Collaboration and communication

Collaboration on a day-to-day basis with developers, project managers, copywriter, marketing managers and legal teams has learned me how to the effectively communicate.

Preparing, executing and analysing user research

While running many user research and user testing sessions, I have learned how to get the insights that I am looking for and how to involve my non-UX colleagues to understand the users and their needs better.

Designing for different types of users

Over the years I have gained experience in designing for different types of users and having to switch between them for different parts of a product.

Organizing information

I believe organizing information in a useful way can help stakeholders understnad the need for a design iteration or new feature better. I do this by creating user journey maps or by auditing the current situation of a product and presenting this in a clear way.